Monday 25 September 2006 12:33:24 am
I've almost succeded doing a direct upgrade from 3.4.4 to 3.8.4. But I started that before the upgrading docs were available, and there were some issues dangerous to be left uncertain, so now I'm taking the work of doing several upgrades. I think this is worth doing if you don't want to keep up with an old installation such as 3.4.4. With this direct upgrade, the frontend worked, however I had several problems with the administration. This was due I guess to changes not done in .ini files (see the doc) and the is_container flag for classes in the database. (Besides, there were other issues but mainly with a phplist integration, related to some changes in the classes datatypes put into the eZ database; something only important for that particular website, but it was like a time bomb, and I'm glad I've found it thanks to doing it the step-by-step way).
Now, i'm following this:
3.4.4 > 3.5.0
3.5.0 > 3.5.2
3.5.2 > 3.6.0
3.6.0 > 3.8.0 and minor 3.8.0 > 3.8.4 I think these are the only needed updates, no 'minor' versions needed other than 3.5.0 to 3.5.2. Just for "log", when I was in the direct path from 3.4.4 to 3.8.4, I run these updates on the db:
/update/database/mysql/3.8/dbupdate-3.8.0-to-3.8.1.sql and etc and these scripts:
updateiscontainer.php* (needed for upgrading to 3.5.0 or later versions)
*(DID'NT WORK: same error as you)
updatesearchindex.php (needed for upgrading to 3.5.0 or later versions)
updateniceurls.php (needed for upgrading to 3.5.0 or later versions)
updatetoplevel.php (needed for upgrading to 3.5.1 or later versions)
updateeztimetype.php** (needed for upgrading to 3.5.3 or later versions)
**(DID'NT WORK; also, this is'nt in the 3.8.4 dist, but 3.5.x)
updatecrc32.php*** (needed for upgrading to 3.5.8 or later versions)
***(did not return any output)
convertxmllinks.php (needed for upgrading to 3.6.0 or later versions)
updaterelatedobjectslinks.php (needed for upgrading to 3.6.0 or later versions) updatemultilingual.php (this I don't recall, see the docs...) In theory, I could modify the updateiscontainer.php script and change the ''max_version' => '3.5.0' property in the $script var, and set it higher. I did'nt, because you are at your own with this. Also, for the updateiscontainer.php script, if you use several custom content classes, I think it's best to make a copy of this script and change the name of the eZ default classes to your own ones, and run it again. In this line: $classList = array( 'folder', 'article', 'user_group', 'forum', 'forum_topic', 'gallery', 'weblog' ); you could replace it just for $classList = array( 'yourclass1', 'yourclass2', 'yourclass[n...]'); This worked. I had no idea as to why the updateeztimetype.php did'nt work or why the updatecrc32.php did'nt return any output, or if it should had done so. Bu then, there's the .ini files issues from 3.4.4 to 3.8.4. I stopped there. Hope this helps in the upgrading. I worked hard on this and I'm very happy that the documentation is available for this issue now.
with kind regards, diego