Forums / Install & configuration / Upgrade from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1 > problems with images

Upgrade from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1 > problems with images

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eric f

Wednesday 09 January 2008 5:47:54 am


I've just upgrade my ez publish to 3.9.1 from 3.9.0

Erverything seems ok for the upgrade but after clearing the caches, when i look at my website, images are not displayed.

When i go to the administration, the images are still here and when i publish the page, the images are diplayed in teh web sites.

Is it normal ? why my images are not displayed ?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Wednesday 09 January 2008 6:32:52 am

I've heard this before I'm fairly certain your problem is with the permissions set on your files and directories.

Reset all file permissions, specifically for the var/ directory as it seems that it is unable to write image variations to disk.


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eric f

Wednesday 09 January 2008 7:48:32 am

Thank for the response.

I have already check the permissions on the folders and set it to 777.

The strange think is that when i did the first clearing of caches, I lost my images, when I publish the page, the images are displayed. If I clear the caches one more time, the images are still displayed.

Regarding this, i dont' think there is a huge problem of configuration.

The problem is that I don't want to re publish all my pages.

André R.

Wednesday 09 January 2008 10:39:58 am

Have you tried clearing all cache (including image aliases that you have to select independently cause it's not included in the 'clear all' cache button) ?
And why did you update to 3.9.1? You can update directly to 3.9.4.

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eric f

Thursday 10 January 2008 12:57:34 am

Yes i think I cleared all caches because i use the bin command with clear --all.

I upgrade to 3.9.1 because i juste want to fixed a bug for the the 3.9.0 and the 3.9.1 was fine but i don't think this is really the matter except if this problem is a knowne bug of the 3.9.1.

I'm not sure that I will not have the problem if I upgrade to 3.9.4. The strange thing is that i have the problem only for the first clearing of cache, after republishing, it's ok images are displayed again.

I am becoming mad with this problem.

André R.

Thursday 10 January 2008 1:47:07 am

No, if you read the shell script you'll see that it only clears cache in 'IMAGE_CACHEDIR="$DIR/cache/texttoimage"', in other words text to image cache.

Only bin/php/ezcache.php and the cache tab in the admin interface lets you delete image alias cache.
Note: in 3.10+ the shell script is removed so you have to use the php script, and it also has a new option 'purge'. Read more about it in the doc, it's mentioned here:

Edit: Basically you should never assume eZ Publish functionality does what you want it to do whiteout carefully double checking the doc and/or code. I know it sucks, but it will save you from a lot of grief..

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Xavier Dutoit

Thursday 10 January 2008 3:35:55 am


To avoid this "it sucks" feeling, I'd suggest ez to stick to linguistic conventions, and use "all" when it applies to "all".

If it isn't the case, fix it, or at least display some kind of warning that all doesn't apply to all and that you should do something else...


André R.

Thursday 10 January 2008 4:06:37 am

True, but the shell script is removed from 3.10 / 4.0 because it doesn't support cluster setup.
So this only applies to the admin interface.

You should also get a warning if you clear image alias cache and not view cache + template block cache, cause you could end up with pages that link to non existing image aliases.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

eric f

Thursday 10 January 2008 6:02:11 am


I cleared all the caches with the bin/php/ezcache.php.

But it doesn't change anythnig, I still have the problem.

For information, i'll notice that I have check for imagemagick on my server and it's intalled.

I'll will apréciate any other sugestions.

Thank in advance