Monday 14 January 2008 1:58:32 am
Hi, I have got some problems with a site that I upgraded to 4.0. It was running fine in 3.9 and another site (which has been installed as 4.0) runs fine using the same system/apache configuration. The problems are: In the admin site, no-one can make any new objects, as the dropdown menu on what to select is empty. Some of the url-alias's dont work properly allthough I have tried doing UPDATE ezurlalias SET is_imported=0; TRUNCATE ezurlalias_ml; on the site database and running updateniceurls.php afterwards. I cant find any system in which does any which doesn't, but manually publishing the objects solves the issue (how to do that automatically). I cant delete any section in the admin interface. Even though it is listed as not being used for anything, it still reports that I cant delete it, as some objects depend on it. Can anyone see any connection between these problems or are they independent? And more importantly, does anyone know of a solution? I have of course tried to search for similar problems, but couldn't find any that matched. /Søren