Friday 16 July 2004 9:37:24 am
When I access the user-site i get this stuff right at the beginning of the page... I am using PHP 4,3,4 over a MAC OS X...any clue?? I travelled around the code but did not find where this piece of stuff comes out.... BTW --> I did not touched anything appeared right after the probs in the admin part... Any clue?? Just point me to the right file and I'll try to sort this thing out... $text .= $cachedText; if ( isset( $subtreeExpiry ) && $subtreeExpiry ) { include_once( 'lib/ezdb/classes/ezdb.php' ); $db =& eZDB::instance(); if ( substr( $subtreeExpiry, -1 ) != '/' ) { $subtreeExpiry .= '/'; } $subtree =& $db->escapeString( $subtreeExpiry ); $cacheKey =& $db->escapeString( $cachePath ); $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO ezsubtree_expiry ( subtree, cache_file ) VALUES ( '$subtree', '$cacheKey' )"; $db->query( $insertQuery ); } unset( $cachedText ); } } $setArray = $oldSetArray_a74234917afd95e65bbbb1ef6ddbc0c2; ?>