Forums / Install & configuration / eZ debug - slow runtime

eZ debug - slow runtime

Author Message

Stéphane Cloutier

Friday 16 July 2004 6:52:52 am

I'm having speed issues. At first install of 3.4 and 3.4.1, a few weeks ago, my site runtime was between 0.4 to 0.6 secdonds. Now it is from 1.2 to 1.4 seconds. What could have caused this situation ? I cleared cache and recompile the templates. Still same results.

Would this have an impact :
strpos(): Empty delimiter. in /var/www/html/ez34/var/corporate/cache/template/compiled/node_list-e75210f10929c05db3aee13537a9f3de.php on line 30

eZ debug
Timing: Jul 16 2004 09:38:27

Script start

Timing: Jul 16 2004 09:38:27

Module start 'content'

Timing: Jul 16 2004 09:38:27

Module end 'content'

Warning: PHP Jul 16 2004 09:38:27

strpos(): Empty delimiter. in /var/www/html/ez34/var/corporate/cache/template/compiled/node_list-e75210f10929c05db3aee13537a9f3de.php on line 30

Timing: Jul 16 2004 09:38:27


Timing points:
Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed Memory Rel. Memory
Script start 0.0000 sec 0.3130 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB
Module start 'content' 0.3130 sec 0.2214 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB
Module end 'content' 0.5344 sec 0.8059 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB
End 1.3402 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB
Total runtime: 1.3418 sec

Time accumulators:
Accumulator Elapsed Percent Count Average
Load cache 0.2476 sec 18.0855% 7 0.0354 sec
Mysql Total
Mysql_queries 0.0143 sec 1.0411% 2 0.0071 sec
Looping result 0.0009 sec 0.0661% 2 0.0005 sec
Template Total 0.7812 sec 57.1% 1 0.7812 sec
Template load 0.1983 sec 14.4836% 1 0.1983 sec
Template processing 0.5806 sec 42.4033% 1 0.5806 sec
Cache load 0.1416 sec 10.3407% 1 0.1416 sec
Total script time: 1.3692 sec

Qupanuaq - Snow bunting


Friday 16 July 2004 9:08:42 am

fix the error in the compiled template, just for testing

Turn off debugging/logging.
You might have a slow disk.

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GMT +01:00 Hannover, Germany

Stéphane Cloutier

Sunday 18 July 2004 7:54:57 pm

I tried fixing the template warning. I even applied the template compile compression patch, but still no improvement. I don't know what's happening. When I installed ezp 3.4, it was working very fast. I applied 3.4.1 and was still very good. Everything changed only a few days ago. I`m running apache 1.3, mysql 4.1.0, php 4.3.4.

It looks like the cache is being re-created every so often someone visits my site, although the content doesn't change that much.

Is there a tool I could run on my server so I can watch what processes ezp involves and how much CPU/memory it uses?


Qupanuaq - Snow bunting