Forums / Install & configuration / Problem with installation

Problem with installation

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Margarita Grace

Friday 17 April 2009 5:43:34 am

I am trying to install EZ 4.1 - Linux - Ubuntu - PHP 5.2.4-2 - MYSQL 5.0 - using the installation wizard, unfortunately after <b>Database initialization</b> - comes following message:
"Fatal error: Class 'ezcBaseOptions' not found in /var/www/ezpublish/kernel/private/options/ezpextensionoptions.php on line 54
Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below."
What can I do?



André R.

Friday 17 April 2009 6:22:26 am

Install with the eZ Components bundle, eZ Components is a requirement for eZ Publish 4.1(setup wizard have been updated to check this in 4.1.1 witch should be out next week).

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Margarita Grace

Friday 17 April 2009 9:11:43 am

Hi André,

I habe installed the ezComponents with pear. Then I started the wizard for the installation oof ezPublish and now the installation stops at 50% - after language - At Site selection comes a message:
Please choose a site package you would like to test or base your site on.


Retrieving remote site packages list failed. You may upload packages manually.

Remote repository URL:

I tried to download one, and then a package but it doesn't help to the installation. What should I do?

Steven E. Bailey

Friday 17 April 2009 1:39:19 pm

I spent most of the day trying to debug the exact same problem. With the components installed with pear.

I did an upgrade today of a machine with code that is running just fine on two development machines. All are debian testing with pretty much the same setup. I tried reinstalling etc. etc. The settings files are the same, the code is the same, the pear libraries are all in the default locations, yet for this one machine it refused to work. The only difference I can see is that the one machine has pear 1.8 and the others have 1.7 - but of course that shouldn't matter.

What I did - that worked - although I don't like as a solution - is that I downloaded the svn version from and put it in the lib directory (lib/ezc) of my ez install - I also downloaded the scripts to the same directory and ran the ./scripts/ as described in the installation instructions (although I don't know if that was really necessary). I tried just linking the /usr/share/php/ezc directory in the lib directory, but that didn't work because it's looking for a file in src which isn't in the pear library directory structure.

Hope this helps. I'm still trying to figure out what went wrong.

Edit: looks like it wasn't the same problem since the pear install apparently worked for you.

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Chu Nhat

Tuesday 21 April 2009 5:58:05 am

I also have the same problem even though i have ezComponents installed. My system is also Linux - Ubuntu - PHP 5.2.4-2 - MYSQL 5.0.

Chris Christes

Thursday 23 April 2009 4:37:41 am

I got the same error under Debian Linux 4.0 Standard 64-Bit / Apache 2.2.3 / PHP 5.2.0-8 / mysql 5.0.32

Is this the right way to fix the problem, or did I get a lot of bugs later :)?

- download ezcomponents
- unpack ezcomponents-2008.2.2.tar.bz2 in the lib folder of my eZpublish installation
- rename it to ezc: my_path_to_eZpublish/lib/ezc

Thanks Chris

Edit: Create a config.php in the root of ezp with your path to ezc:

set_include_path( "/var/www/vhosts/"YOURDOMAIN"/httpdocs/lib/ezc" . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());

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