Friday 07 November 2008 8:40:34 am
I am having trouble during the first step of Ezpublish installation. Before explaining the issue here are my software versions:
Ezpublish : 4.01
Operating System: Windows Vista
MySql: 5.0.67
Php: 5.2.6 Apache: 1.3.41 I have installed all the individual components except ezpublish successfully. This includes Mysql, PHP, Apache, PEAR, EzComponents. PHP is connecting with apache and mysql without any issues. I have also created the database for ezpublish and set the permissions. Here is the issue. When I unzipped the ezpublish 4.01 into the apache htdoc directory I get the initial installation screen which sets my language as english (american). Once I click next nothing happens. I get the below error:
< Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below. > There is nothing in the debug output. I changed apache to debug mode and looked at the logs, but there is really no information. I have a bunch of 304 messages on the access log and after a post for index.php nothing happens. I am stuck. Any help is greatly appreciated.