Forums / Install & configuration / Fatal error: Class 'eZExecution'

Fatal error: Class 'eZExecution'

Author Message

grac grac

Saturday 08 November 2008 2:54:30 am

after having created an empty MySQL db and uploading the unzipped the 'ezpublish-4.0.1' packet to my webserver i wanted to continue with the install assistant.

and got the following error:

"Fatal error: Class 'eZExecution' not found in /my-website/index.php on line 221"

('my-website' here is a substitute for the real path which is valid).

any hint? help?

thanks a lot

grac grac

Wednesday 12 November 2008 5:42:30 am

i will never get used to the modern answering attitude to just NOT ANSWER a request.

therefore i will delete my account, will never try again to install ez publish and will tell everybody i know that they should beware of ever touching ez publish.

good bye

John Moritz

Wednesday 12 November 2008 8:04:13 am

grac grac, i can understand you are angry. Sometimes its realy difficult to get an answer, and that will be frustrating. But maybe the reason is, that nobody knows the answer.
What should they write?
Do you need 10 answers where everybody is sayin, i dont know how to solve this?

i hope you havent "killed" your account and you read this.

I am new to ezPublish, but lets try to solve this together.

First of all, have you checked all requirements for ezPublish here:

Put a info.php (i hope you know how this works, if not aks again) in your Webfolder and check, that you fit all the needs of ezP.

i have done a lot of fresh installations on different servers with different OS. I had never a problem like you had. But before starting the installer, i always checked that my server comply with the requirements.

i hope this helps a bit...