Forums / Install & configuration / Log in admin address wrong

Log in admin address wrong

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Dearg OBartuin

Wednesday 10 September 2008 3:08:04 pm

Hi All,

when logging in to my ez publish website and i tick the box to allow access to the admin panel. i notice the address it trys to connect to is an internal ip address on my network.

I have obviously typed in the internal ip address of our web server during setup at some point, i can of course access the admin panel by manully typing in the correct url howeevr i would like to change this if possible?

Thank you in advance,

Mark Marsiglio

Saturday 13 September 2008 7:19:38 pm

Look for the AdditionalLoginFormActionURL= setting in your user siteaccess site.ini.append.php file. It will need to be updated to use the correct URL.
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