Forums / Install & configuration / Fresh ez4 install problem

Fresh ez4 install problem

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Hugo Oliveira

Friday 09 May 2008 3:54:13 am


I've installed a fresh copy of ez publish 4 on my domain. However, when I finish the web setup wizard all is not well (but no errors ocurred during install). I can get my site page but not my admin interface page. Also, the web site gives me a kernel error (1).

Can anyone help me with this?


More information:
site domain: <domain>/site
site path: <domain>/site/public
admin path: <domain>/site/admin_area
package: plain_site
version: ezpublish4.0.0

PHP: 5.2.5
MySQL: 5.0.45
Apache: 1.3.37

local php.ini (root of ezpublish installation):

date.timezone = "Europe/Lisbon"

magic_quotes_gpc = 0
magic_quotes_runtime = 0

P.S: I don't know which information more might be needed so just ask for it and I'll do my best to provide it. Thanks again.

Hugo Oliveira

Tuesday 13 May 2008 11:18:48 am

Hi again,

I found out what my problem is.

During setup, the wizard shows a page that says that I'm not running the site in virtual host mode and says one should create a .htaccess from .htaccess_root. So I did this. However, I've tried accessing the site without this file and the results are the same.

For some reason, ez publish only works if I write


This way, I can reach my administration interface provided I use the "index.php?" part. So the url looks like this:


Does anyone know how to change this behaviour? I'm currently giving a shot at rewriting the url without "index.php?" on it but with no luck so far. Any ideas?


Gaetano Giunta

Tuesday 13 May 2008 1:39:38 pm

- you do not need the ? after the index.php part, unless you have set up something weird in your .htaccess

- the eZ Publish ini file responsible for deciding which siteaccess is in use depending on the client url used is eZPDir/settings/override/site.ini.append.php. In there, you should have something like this for a vhost config:
The above is an example for 2 siteaccess, one public and one admin.

- make sure your dns config is ok (or your local /etc/hosts contains entry for both and pointing o the same apache server)

- make sure the apache config is properly set up to recognize the two vhosts and serve as DocumentRoot the eZ Publish dir in both cases

- if you want the index.php part never to appear in urls generated by ezpublish, you should also set ForceVirtualHost=true (in the same settings file)

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Hugo Oliveira

Tuesday 13 May 2008 4:57:41 pm

Hi Gaetano,

I tried the option you said ForceVirtualHost but it didn't do the trick. If I enable it my admin interface goes nuts.
Also, I tried accessing it without the "?" but it does not work. I can't understand why.

I'm still trying to figure this one out (especially as I need to take out the "index.php?" part from the urls) but so far I've come to a dead end.

So I'll just post some more info:

url example:
this is the minimum I must have in order to see the login form

I'm trying to install it on a web hosting service that supports specifically eZ Publish (siteground) so I cannot reach apache's httpd.conf

Again thanks for your help but I have to ask if you have any more ideas?

Thanks again

Hugo Oliveira

Saturday 28 June 2008 3:49:52 pm

Hi again,

I decided to do a fresh install of my website, this time on the server's root.

So I installed it on my domain's root and went through the installer. However, when I got to the end of it I had the same problem. Either I use "index.php?" right after my domain (in my URLs) or I can't get nowhere on the site. So, again, I'm asking for any help here. I've seen a few articles (here on and tried a few possible solutions but with no luck.

Again, and as an example, if I don't write the URL as:

I have no way to go to the site's administrator interface. The same happens with the site's (plain) interface. All URLs are generated by ez publish using "index.php?". How can I change this? How can I get rid of the "index.php?" part?

Thanks for any help anyone might provide. I'm really lost at this time

P.S: I have no access to apache's httpd.conf but I have a .htaccess.