Tuesday 08 April 2008 5:25:10 am
Hello, By "how to publish", do you mean you want to insert a new article in the database ? Or you want to "show" an existing article (or just one attribute) in the pagelayout ?
The $module_result.content is the result given by a full view, computed with the appropriated template (often in the override/templates/full/ folder). So you must know that the $module_result.content (the full view) is computed BEFORE the pagelayout. The content you requested by your URL is computed, inserted in the $module_result.content, and then pagelayout use it. If you want to use a different content in your pagelayout (for example another content than the requested content in the URL), you must use a fetch('content', 'node', ...) function. Please explains more precisely what you want to do. Thanks, Good luck !
Xavier Gouley