Tuesday 08 April 2008 4:41:16 am
Heya all, I've transformed my old website from single language to multilanguage. But after this transformation the following problem arises: When a users edits his profile it asks him whether to edit it in English or Dutch. And if he would like to make a new instance of the profile. This while all the attributes of my 'user' class are intranslatable. Here's some (old) code from my template where the user can press a button to edit his profile:
<form action="/index.php/plain/content/edit/{$current_user.contentobject_id}/{$current_user.version}" method="post" name="Edit">
<input class="button" type="submit" name="EditButton" value="{'Edit profile'|i18n('design/standard/user')}" />
The form action should probably not be hardcoded like this, but what should it look like to avoid the problem with the multi-language edit? Is there any way I can make one class not multi-language while the others just are. Greetings and thanks as always, Clemens