Tuesday 29 April 2008 5:46:45 am
Answering myself as I just got the solution : Actually I created an override on the pagelayout:
So that when I call a page in rss_full viewmode (or an override of it), the right pagelayout were used.
I expected the 2 Urls "/layout/set/rss/content/view/rss_full/2" and "/content/view/rss_full/2" to give the same result. But, in facts, the content type is different and only the "layout/set/rss" will respond as text/xml.
Is that a bug, or a feature ?
Well, I understand that it's not a bug as the overrided pagelayout.tpl is to be a "text/html" content. By the way, there's no particular need overriding the normal pagelayout if I set my url translator with "layout/set/rss" ;)