Monday 30 January 2006 7:46:17 am
I'm having some troubles with images for some unknown reason... I've been playing with the cahcing settings with little luck and now I've turned it all off and now images don't work :( The convert executable is configured correct, and it uploads the image. BUT, the logs report this:
[ jan 30 2006 00:15:03 ] [] Failed converting var/siteaccess/storage/images/program/really_long_file_name/1811-6-eng-GB/really_long_filename.jpg to alias original in directory var/siteaccess/storage/images/program/really_long_file_name/1811-6-eng-GB
even though the directory exists. There's a bunch of other images that was uploaded before, it just all of the sudden stopped accepting images and I don't know why... Any ideas?