Sunday 13 February 2005 4:47:14 am
Hi, I've got my site running in three languages, using the siteaccess methods mentioned in the documentation. So far, I've posted the english (primary language) versions, and added the translations I have using the method described at I'd like to be able to give certain users the ability to translate documents (and possibly only documents in certain sections), but that's all I want them to do - I don't want them to have access to the rest of the admin interface, or to create their own content (ideally). How can I do this? I presume I need to create some templates that identify if they're a translator or not, and then give them the 'manage translations' stuff if so. I've tried adding a translator user with the content/translate permissions, but since they don't have admin rights, they can't access the admin interface and do it that way. Is there an easy solution? I can't believe I'm the only one needing this. Apologies if I've missed something; I have been trawling the forums and documentation for the past few hours on this one!
Thanks in advance, Simon