Tuesday 08 November 2005 9:37:44 am
Hi, Is it possible to set different override methods for a same node ? I mean. I have several articles. They are stored in a "articles folder" let's say node 7.
I have 2 pages :
- layout one - layout two To display articles on them, i fetches my article folder fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,7...))
And i display them using {node_view_gui content_node=$my_article view=line}
So this is the same template for the both pages.
But I have 2 <b>line_view_article.tpl</b>.
line_view_article_1.tpl for layout 1 line_view_article_2.tpl for layout 2
I thought it could be possible to specify that each line_view templates will be used for one specified node using the <b>Match[node]=...</b> but this refers to the node of the content that is called through the node_view_gui. And I wanted it to refer to the node_id I am currently on. Is it possible ? (Wow pretty long post)
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