Wednesday 31 March 2004 2:24:46 am
Hi, I think it's a good idea to install the news demosite. This includes some of the things you aks, such as different news sections and polls. It's a great way to get to learn eZ Publish. - a news site with different sections (for example "Sport", "Music", "Computers"). (OK, this should be easy) It is. Create some folders (Sports, Music etc) and then go to Setup, Sections: Create some sections and assign the folders to the right section. - users of type "Editor" who can write articles *only* in one or more sections assigned to them. The articles must *always* go in the moderation queue. The editors must not be allowed to publish directly. Create some users using 'Users' and then create some roles using 'Users, Roles' to put them in. - users of type "Director" who moderate/modify/approve/publish the articles written by the "Editors" I'd like to know myself: Is it possible to have more than one person for approval of new items? - ability for the articles to contain one of more images (even only one is ok) Not a problem: The standard contentclass 'article' already contains one image. Add as many as you like. - comments to the articles by anonymous users must go in the moderation queue I think this can be done using roles. - comments to the articles by registered user can be automatically published straight away I think this can be done using roles. - a banner system Don't know about this. Try searching It has been discussed before. - polls No problem! - a newsletter system Don't know about this. Try searching It has been discussed before, I think. Also take a look at the Community Contributions. Perhaps you can find something there. Hope this helps.