Bjørn Sandvik
Tuesday 10 January 2006 1:00:12 am
We have installed the laster version of Online Editor (4.0.1) and face some problems: If I insert a new factbox in the Online Editor it generates the code:
<table class='custom' border='1' width='100%'>
<td class='factbox'>This is a factbox</td>
</tr> </table>
This code is genereated in the Online Editor, and not in my override template. Is this how it should be? I would like to format the factbox using css rather than tables. How is it possbile to override editor_classes.css for different siteaccesses?
Kirill Subbotin
Tuesday 10 January 2006 3:53:25 am
Sorry, its a bug that appears only in IE browser. Will be fixed in 4.0.2, that will be released today. Meanwhile you can aplly a patch: (you should actually replace just one line)
Index: ezxmltext/handlers/input/ezdhtmlxmlinput.php
--- ezxmltext/handlers/input/ezdhtmlxmlinput.php (revision 9337)
+++ ezxmltext/handlers/input/ezdhtmlxmlinput.php (working copy)
@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@
$attributeString = preg_replace( "/ +([a-zA-Z0-9:-_#\-]+) *\='(.*?)'/e", "' \\1'.'=\"'.'\\2'.'\"'", ' ' . $attributeString );
// Convert no quotes to double quotes and remove extra spaces
- $attributeString = preg_replace( "/ +([a-zA-Z0-9:-_#\-]+) *\= *([^\s'\"]+) */e", "' \\1'.'=\"'.'\\2'.'\" '", $attributeString );
+ $attributeString = preg_replace( "/ +([a-zA-Z0-9:-_#\-]+) *\= *([^\s'\"]+)/e", "' \\1'.'=\"'.'\\2'.'\" '", $attributeString );
// Split by quotes followed by spaces
$attributeArray = preg_split( "#(?<=\") +#", $attributeString );
Kirill Subbotin
Tuesday 10 January 2006 4:07:28 am
Concerning your second question: You can just create new dir within design directory of the extension and move file there: /extension/ezdhtml/design/<siteaccess_name>/stylesheets/ezdhtml/editor_classes.css I have never tested this, although it should work!
Another way can be setting different parameter EditorCSSFileList[] in your design.ini in different siteaccesses. PS. It would be interesting to know does it work for you or not!
Bjørn Sandvik
Tuesday 10 January 2006 4:16:02 am
I think there is one more bug: I'm not able to change the size of a picture that is embedded. If I cange the size to "large" it stil shows medium when the object is published.
Kirill Subbotin
Tuesday 10 January 2006 6:02:57 am
Yes, this bug also existed. But I believe it is fixed with the same patch. Can you test it ?
Bjørn Sandvik
Tuesday 10 January 2006 6:21:10 am
I don't quite understand what codeline I should change. Could you give me all the code for "function parseAttributes_( $attributeString )" (line 1724). I guess thats the place where the bug is.
Kirill Subbotin
Tuesday 10 January 2006 6:45:26 am
Yes, here it is:
function parseAttributes_( $attributeString )
// Convert single quotes to double quotes
$attributeString = preg_replace( "/ +([a-zA-Z0-9:-_#\-]+) *\='(.*?)'/e", "' \\1'.'=\"'.'\\2'.'\"'", ' ' . $attributeString );
// Convert no quotes to double quotes and remove extra spaces
$attributeString = preg_replace( "/ +([a-zA-Z0-9:-_#\-]+) *\= *([^\s'\"]+)/e", "' \\1'.'=\"'.'\\2'.'\" '", $attributeString );
// Split by quotes followed by spaces
$attributeArray = preg_split( "#(?<=\") +#", $attributeString );
$attributes = array();
foreach( $attributeArray as $attrStr )
if ( !$attrStr || strlen( $attrStr ) < 4 )
list( $attrName, $attrValue ) = split( '="', $attrStr );
$attrName = strtolower( trim( $attrName ) );
if ( !$attrName )
$attrValue = substr( $attrValue, 0, -1 );
if ( $attrValue === '' || $attrValue === false )
$attributes[$attrName] = $attrValue;
return $attributes;
Bjørn Sandvik
Tuesday 10 January 2006 7:04:39 am
It works! Thank you!
I'm now able to make a factbox and lagre pictures again.