Tuesday 31 October 2006 1:50:05 pm
Hi Daniele,
Thanks for that... yes, that's the first thing I did however I couldn't quite grasp it... you can't select the class and attribute through the template wizard so I assume you need to rewrite the template for each text field. So... the default is
{default attribute_base='ContentObjectAttribute' html_class='full'}
<textarea id="ezcoa-{if ne( $attribute_base, 'ContentObjectAttribute' )}{$attribute_base}-{/if}{$attribute.contentclassattribute_id}_{$attribute.contentclass_attribute_identifier}" class="{eq( $html_class, 'half' )|choose( 'box', 'halfbox' )} ezcc-{$attribute.object.content_class.identifier} ezcca-{$attribute.object.content_class.identifier}_{$attribute.contentclass_attribute_identifier}" name="{$attribute_base}_data_text_{$attribute.id}" cols="70" rows="{$attribute.contentclass_attribute.data_int1}">{$attribute.content|wash}</textarea>
My class is content_report and attribute is postcode. Now I want to change the field to be only 4 characters long and restricted to 4 characters.... I also want to add some text beside the label. Any idea how I would change the template to suit? Once I have one done it will make a lot more sense to me and I'll be able to edit the others with no prob. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
It's not easy being easy.