Saturday 23 December 2006 3:59:34 am
Hi, Xavier,
yeah, i've tried: i've uncommented a line <option value="0" {eq( $content.selection_type, 0 )|choose( '', 'selected="selected"' )}>{'Browse'|i18n( 'design/standard/class/datatype' )}</option>
ih the file "class/datatype/edit/ezenhancedobjectrelation.tpl". Now i can choose "new" selection method "Browse" in the class editor, but it doesn't work in object editor:
1. Browsing starts not in "Default selection node"
2. Anyway i can browse for related object, even select it but I cannot save it. EOR doesn't show a selected object. It seems it needs more changes than a line in the template.
Could you explain me, please, maybe there was a serious reason to remove "Browse" method from EOR. I just need an attribute "Image" for my articles. I'd like to have an image as a separate field, not a part of an article text. I have an image library about 200-600 pictures as illustrations for articles. It is not possible to show 200 items in dropdown or radibutoon list, isn't it? Could you advise me something?