Saturday 17 January 2009 7:16:44 am
I get this for the first one - which I guess means it's not a valid object:
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="" height="">
<param name="movie" value="/global/eng" />
<embed src="/global/eng" /> </div>
And, for the second object:
<param name="movie" value="/global/eng/var/ezwebin_site/storage/original/application/6a763c4776a06dc9e44069bcf27d2501.swf"> <embed src="/global/eng/var/ezwebin_site/storage/original/application/6a763c4776a06dc9e44069bcf27d2501.swf"> Your swf file is not at that location - you would have to drop the ezurl to get rid of the prepending of the siteaccess... but I did that and you still don't have the swf file there - it should be in your storage directory which is set by the filesettings vardir variable in your ini file. as in <vardir>/storage/original/application/6a763c4776a06dc9e44069bcf27d2501.swf you might want to check that it is there. If it's not... then why not? Did you add ezwebin after uploading the content?
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