steve smith
Monday 28 August 2006 3:33:13 pm
I need to determine if ‘eZ systems’ meet my requirements before I attempt the configuration of it. I am asking…
1: I have a website hosted. The host and ISP both do not have SMTP/sendmail enabled. Therefore, I need to configure eZ systems is such a way that no email link will be displayed to members, such as, forgot my password, would you like notification, verification of registration ect.
2: At my website, I plan to have a forum and to provide collaboration for an online book. The members post questions about the book at the forum and can edit the book with versioning. 3:All posted site wide content, such as comments, forums, editing, blog, ect, must first be approved by the administrator. Is 1,2,and 3 possible?
Tim Dickinson
Monday 28 August 2006 5:05:49 pm
2 and 3 are certainly possible, but I don't know about 1.
So your host doesn't have sendmail or smtp but does have PHP and MySQL - odd... Have you actually talked with your host about this, it is a pretty strange thing to have disabled. Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music