Monday 21 April 2008 8:19:48 pm
I resolved the problem - runcronjobs.php will look at the standard siteaccess if you don't give it arguments in the right order. The default ezpublish.cron shows the following example for 3.9.3:
# Instruct cron to run the "frequent" set of cronjobs
# every 15 minutes
0,15,30,45 * * * * cd $EZPUBLISHROOT && $PHP runcronjobs.php frequent -q 2>&1
So you'd naturally think that, like this example, you'd put the options toward the end, e.g:
0,15,30,45 * * * * cd $EZPUBLISHROOT && $PHP runcronjobs.php frequent -q -s my_site 2>&1
However, the runcronjobs script requires a particular argument order:
php runcronjobs.php --help
Usage: runcronjobs.php [OPTION]... [PART]
So the correct setup should read:
0,15,30,45 * * * * cd $EZPUBLISHROOT && $PHP runcronjobs.php -q -s my_site frequent 2>&1
So, the problem is with the default ezpublish.cron.