Vidar Østevik
Friday 31 March 2006 2:02:33 pm
Hi! I can't figure out how to configure suckerfish to show certain nodes, like 'feedback_form', 'articles' and so on. I have read all threads on the forum concerning suckerfish, trying to change the original code
{section loop=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,$top_cat, class_filter_type, "include", class_filter_array, array(1),sort_by,$base.sort_array))}
{let child_check=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,$:item.node_id, class_filter_type, "include", class_filter_array, array(1),sort_by,$base.sort_array))}<li><a {section show=$child_check|count|gt(0)}{/section} href={concat("/content/view/full/",$:item.node_id,"/")|ezurl}>{$}</a>
{section loop=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,$top_cat, class_filter_type, "include", class_filter_array, array('folder','feedback_form'),sort_by,$base.sort_array))}
{let child_check=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,$:item.node_id, class_filter_type, "include", class_filter_array, array('folder','feedback_form'),sort_by,$base.sort_array))}<li><a {section show=$child_check|count|gt(0)}{/section} href={concat("/content/view/full/",$:item.node_id,"/")|ezurl}>{$}</a>
with no luck.... Can anybody tell me what I`m doing wrong?
Regards Vidar
Sandra Parente
Monday 03 April 2006 2:00:03 am
This works for my suckerfish menu:
{section loop=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,$top_cat, class_filter_type, "include", class_filter_array, array('folder','article','feedback_form'),sort_by,array(array(priority))))}
{let child_check=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,$:item.node_id, class_filter_type, "include", class_filter_array, array('folder','article','feedback_form')))}<li><a {section show=$child_check|count|gt(0)}{/section} href={$:item.url_alias|ezurl}>{$}</a>
I repeat it for all levels.
Sandra Parente
Vidar Østevik
Monday 03 April 2006 3:12:02 am
Hi! I tried to specify the arrays to include by name, like 'Folder', with no luck. But when I configured the menu with node numbers (1 for folder, 2 for article and so on), it worked perfectly!
But I have another question.
Is it possible to make the top node visible, and not make it behave like a folder? I just want a link back to the "Index page", wich are the root folder in my system. Any suggestions? Regards Vidar