Neo Pixel
Wednesday 02 July 2008 5:24:18 am
Hi guys and gals, I have started developing a website using ezpublish here... Can someone please explain how to implement an imagemap on the frontpage banner? I've tried html but there's no way to reference the image to the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated Andy B :-)
Asking stupid questions so you don't have to!
Mohammad Tufail
Wednesday 02 July 2008 9:58:08 pm
Hi Neo, I have also used the imagemap in my website as follows.
<img src={$node.object.data_map.picture.content[original].url | ezroot} alt="Picture" usemap="#map" border=0 />
<map id="map" name="map">
<area shape="rect" coords="8,1,200,154" href={"Projects/project1" | ezurl} />
<area shape="rect" coords="240,1,434,154" href={"Projects/project2" | ezurl} />
<area shape="rect" coords="8,180,200,328" href={"Projects/project3" | ezurl} /> <area shape="rect" coords="240,1,434,328" href={"Projects/project4" | ezurl} /> </map>