Monday 06 August 2007 7:25:55 am
Hi everbody, just wondering if anyone has encountered similar problems, and/or has an idea what might be wrong with a server showing very poor performance.
Symptoms are: Top shows a lot more Virtual memory than on some other installations (roughly twice as much) and with very little shared memory, causing the server to be able to handle to few processes before it starts swapping. When MaxClients are reached, the server uses a very long time to handle connection timeouts. This also happens when MaxClients are set low enough to avoid swapping. Do anyone recognise these symptoms, or have suggestions to tests worth running?
The installation is a Xen virtual server running Debian Etch on dual AMD64.
Apache 1.3.34-4.1
Version: 6:4.4.7-0.dotdeb.1 MySQL 5.0.32-7etch1