Sunday 25 November 2007 5:17:23 pm
Hi Gang, Am hoping someone could give me some advice, or point me in the direction of proper documentation, pertaining to my problem. My company has an EZ Publish website hosted on-line which I have been able to download a copy of. It is hoped I will be able to get this website to the point of being able to edit it ourselves. The previous outside contractors who built and maintained the site have sold the business. Not the greatest of situations to be in unfortunately. Installing the latest version was easy (3.10), however, I am now left wondering how exactly to import the site (mentioned above) into it so we can start editing ourselves?. Contained within the site structure are the following folders;
Static Answers.txt Would I be right in assuming it is a 3.8.3 site? The other ezpublish folder being remnants of a past upgrade, or is it the latest release? Within the Sql folder are 2 sql script files, both around 3.65MB. This looks to contain the bulk of the site content. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Cheers