Friday 30 November 2007 1:11:49 am
Although the english website is not really up to date. OVH is the leading french webhosts and their are really cheap, plus you can pay on a monthly basis, so you can get a server for a month and then resign if it is not what you are looking for, or if you would like to just test the service.
you can then upgrade or downgrade from one server to another on a monthly basis, as your processing power needs increas. You can contact the support who answer quickly, and will answer in english if you have any questions. If you would like to just install a simple eZpublish version for testing purpos the first ones at 20euro per month will do, but I would recommend a higher one if you expect a high frequency on your website.
If you would like to check out the world ranking of webhosts you can check out this website: You can also get to chose the operating system, and can reinstall it via the website manually, and switch from one operating system to another. You have full root access to your servers, so you can install and do whatever you like on it really, and can therefore share it with others if you like.