Friday 05 October 2007 1:28:11 am
ezwebin 1.0 and 1.1 has a float bug that can under some circumstances show up in explorer, I suggest you upgrade to ezwebin 1.2 ( and ezpublish 3.9.2/3.9.3/3.9.4 witch contains the upgrade script ). Hope it helps! Ps: if you want to try to fix it yourself I recommend the 'ie developer toolbar' witch is for ie what firebug is for firefox when it comes to CSS and DOM browsing
EDIT: It strikes me that I'm unsure if this is fixed in 1.2, because I was thinking about the columns float issue. Could you try to recreate the issue on our demo site? login: editor / publish If it's not fixed, what explorer version are you using?
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE