Tuesday 03 February 2009 9:47:26 am
Hi, I have this message in the error.log :
[ Jan 05 2009 15:08:08 ] [] eZContentObject::fetch():
Object not found (7204)
I've deleted an object (id 7204) from the media that was related with an article in the contents (object relation). I had a message warning me that there was a relation with the article, but i still erased the object, thinking that the data_int value would be set to 0 instead of remaining set to 7204, but it's not! As a result, even if in the admin when i edit the article, my object relation is showing 'no relation', on the front end, it's causing a message in the error.log, it's still trying to fetch this 'no longer existing' object. Is this a normal behaviour that deleting an object doesn't update the (inverted) related objects? I'm using eZ4.0.1.. Thank you very much Gwen