Thursday 10 July 2008 11:12:12 am
Ok, now it works, it was the problem with -V for sendmail. ( Removing the -V parameter, the preview started arriving. Now, another question: it seems that the cronjob isn't working... If manually launched it gives no error, but the newsletter aren't sent. So the question: does the newsletter sending process uses same class and functions of the preview sending process? IE: I saw that the preview sending process uses the function sendMail of the class eZNewsletterSendmailTransport, in file extension/eznewsletter/classes/eznewslettersendmailtransport.php (since we use sendmail as transport method). Is this the same file used by the newsletter sending process? Otherwise I'll have to search the correct one used and remove the -V parameter there aswell. If the file is the same, any hints about what to checkto understand why our newsletter are not being sent? Thank you