Friday 30 June 2006 9:10:32 am
Hi everybody! I'm having trouble using froms to post data to a node view. For test purposes I'm tring the following temnplate when viewing a node:
Testname value.:{ezhttp('testname')}:.<br />
<form name="something" method='post' action={$node.url_alias|ezurl}>
<input type="hidden" name="testname" value="testvalue" />
<input type="submit" name="submitbutton" value="submit" />
Why isn't this working? When first loading the page, I get an error saying there's no postdata named testname. After pressing the submit button, there's no more error messages. But there still no data to be fetched by the ezhttp function. Also, if using the get method insted of post, the data is clearly present in the url. But still not accessible using ezhttp('testname','get')