Thursday 24 November 2005 1:33:33 am
case: Ok, I have a few contentobjects.. and I'd like to know when they change. Problem is: if I change like 40 of them, my customers get 40 mails. The best thing would be to di-gest them in 1 mail, so 'they' don't see it as spam. current di-gest behaviour: Mail is NOT sent, and I get the following error on runcronjobs.php (with debug output): Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /opt/guide/ on line 79 Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.
I believe this error is caused by the ->content() function on the array().. the array() is not an object, but the elements IN te array are objects. problem is: this could lead to an inconsistent database. note: the objects that are 'digested' still exist, so that's not the issue with the non-object fatal error. .....
Expected behaviour: The mail we sent to people is bundled (digested) in 1 mail which is sent on the proper time.