Monday 04 August 2003 12:35:48 am
I have the following situation:
1. A class with several object relation fields
2. Objects for these fields can only be selected from a specified directory. 3. Instead of doing the complicated way which the admin area uses, I want to use a select field. Building the page with the right select values etc. all went fine. But what values do I have to give the select structure so that the objects get saved? Other than the variables for the select field, the following code (seems to) work(s): {section name=top loop=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, 104, class_filter_type, include, class_filter_array, array( 1 ) ) )}
{section show=eq($,$attribute.contentclass_attribute_identifier)}
<select name="ContentObjectAttribute_data_object_relation_id_{$:item.node_id}">
{section name=Child loop=fetch(content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $top:item.node_id ))}
<option value="{$:item.node_id}">{$|wash} ({$:item.node_id})</option>
{/section} {/section} Anyone got any ideas? Going with the "Find object" button is very user unfriendly. I want them to be able to just select the fields. Help!
Thanks, Kai