Tuesday 30 December 2003 11:12:17 pm
I want to bring up the wild-card, blank text thread again in reference to ez 3.3. I want to bring back a list of everything in a directory tree, minus a directory. Say I have a directory with news,events,admin in it. I want to be able to browse through all the items in the news and events directories, but ignore admin. I can fetch this out with a tree, and filter out the admin directory, decrementing the item_count so that pagination will still work. In general a mess. A much tidier and more efficient answer would be to search over just the the directories that I want. So I just want to double-check that it will not be available till 3.4. It is possible that these people would go for a search-extension solution, but ongoing maintenance is to be minimised. So such a thing would create a fear that upgrading would be complicated, or that the extension would have to be fixed.
I have tried in 3.3
- the no-string solution: fetch(content,search,hash())
- the blank string solution: fetch(content,search,hash(text,"")) - the wild-card solution: fetch(content,search,hash(text,"*")) There is no negation option that I can see. I guess in ez-talk it would be fetch(content,search,hash(text,"abdfasfafd",operator,"not")) So the search fetch function does not seem to work for me.
There were some notes in the forums:
no-strings. http://www.ez.no/developer/ez_publish_3/bug_reports/advanced_search_empty_string_but_class_qualified_should_be_allowed/search_heavily_improved_in_32 wild-cards: ttp://www.ez.no/developer/ez_publish_3/bug_reports/search_wildcard_searches_dont_work