Thursday 08 May 2008 4:32:18 am
hi, i have done what you have i have this :
<form action={"/content/search"|ezurl} method="post">
<label for="searchtext" class="hide">Recherche:</label> {if eq( $ui_context, 'edit' )}
<input id="searchtext" name="SearchText" type="text" value="" size="11" disabled="disabled" />
<input id="searchbutton" class="button-disabled" type="submit"
value="{'Search'|i18n('design/ezwebin/pagelayout')}" alt="Submit" disabled="disabled" />
<input id="searchtext" name="SearchText" type="text" value="" size="14" />
<input id="searchbutton" class="button"
type="submit" value="{'Search'|i18n('design/ezwebin/pagelayout')}" alt="Submit" />
{if eq( $ui_context, 'browse' )}
<input name="Mode" type="hidden" value="browse" />
</form> but the search didn't work.
The theory is when we know everything and nothing works.
The practice is when everything works and nobody knows why.
If the practice and theory are met, nothing works and we do not know why.
Albert Einstein