Thursday 04 May 2006 6:14:48 am
Hi eZ planet, I have the follwing problem, I started to use the "Object Relations" to make my project, every thing was worlking fine, meanwhile I found the "Object relation browse" extention and I started toi use it. Well the problem is that it seems that the "attribute_identifier" does't work well with this extention beacause I'm having a completly diferent display of the information. (it was supose to stay exactly the same, no???) I maximum that i was abble to do is to list all the relations with all_relations set to true. what is the diference between this two codes:
Code 1:
{def $objects=fetch( 'content', 'reverse_related_objects',
hash( 'object_id', $,'all_relations', true()) )}
{foreach $objects as $object}
<a href={$object.main_node.url_alias|ezurl}>{$|wash()}</a><br/>
Code 2:
{def $objects=fetch( 'content', 'reverse_related_objects',
hash( 'object_id', $ )}
{foreach $objects as $object}
<a href={$object.main_node.url_alias|ezurl}>{$|wash()}</a><br/>
Well my problem is that I need to see what are the relations between A-B and A-C and i want to have all the object that are under B related to A and separatly all C under A. With only "all relations" working and not the "attribute_identifier" i dont now how to do this.....any help?
Thanks in advance PiR