Wednesday 27 April 2005 7:15:57 am
Hi EzPublish Crew, We have a bit of a problem - and hopefully you can advise here. My colleague Fabricio asked about this issue a while ago ( . Basically we have generated a site which has profiles for contractors - their profiles are huge and have about 100 attributes. The dirty fix (given that noone was forthcoming with class 'innerjoining' techniques) was to create one huge class. This is fine in principle, except logging in as a user and trying to change your profile creates massive delays as Ez tries to update the mammoth class. Surely there is some way to split up a class and have it so that your user class lets you authenticate and then update, say, your personal details class?? If you could advise on this we'd really appreciate it - we're having to stall on go-live dates as there is no way the client will accept the sites current slow responses. Thanks, Steve.