Friday 20 October 2006 3:05:08 am
i've got a problem with my search. I didn't see in the documentation the explanation of that :
{let search=true()}
can you help me ?? and here is my code for the search :
{section show=$use_template_search}
{set page_limit=10}
{set $search=fetch('content', 'search', hash( 'text', $search_text, 'class_id', array( '24','25' ) ))}
{set search_result=$search['SearchResult']}
{set search_count=$search['SearchCount']}
{set stop_word_array=$search['StopWordArray']}
{set search_data=$search}
where is the variable '$use_template_search' ?? and there are some results from an other class than 24 or 25, why ?? the search isn't allowed in the class... Thanks for your help