Tuesday 27 November 2007 8:17:05 am
Hello Pavan, You have a number of ways of overriding the pagelayout. You can either override the layout.ini file. Just place a layout.ini.append.php file the settings folder of your siteaccess:
- /settings/siteaccess/your_site/layout.ini.append.php - /settings/siteaccess/your_admin_site/layout.ini.append.php
You can also do this by using the override.ini file: http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/3_9/reference/template_override_conditions
If you are using an extension:
You can specify the url of your pagelayout by using the url.
$Result['pagelayout'] = "/my_folder/pagelayout.tpl"; $Result['content'] = "/my_folder/pagelayout.tpl";
if you are going to use a blank pagelayout you can specify $Result['pagelayout'] = false; and the given pagelayout will simply return the content of your page.