Monday 30 May 2005 7:20:30 am
Heya All, I'm currently using the following code to browse the Contenttree below node 86. The nodeid is passed by using the paramters in the url. So If none is passed it automatically reverts to 86.
{switch match=is_unset($nodeid)}
{case match=1}
{set nodeid=86}
{case match=0}
{let children=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $nodeid,
sort_by, $node.sort_array,
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, array( 'folder') ) )}
{section name=Child loop=$children}
<a href={$:item.node_id|ezurl}>> {$}</a><br />
This code does not work (well the browsing doesn't work, the listing works fine), because it is using the site url (ezurl) and not the url of the entire module path. Is there any way to get the entire module path and make this browsing work? Or am I currently completely missing the eZPublish point here? I want to add functionality and so forth to this list of folders (like a edit button and a upload form). Is this the way to go or? I have to ensure the advantages of a module (because this extension has to be deployed in like 5 websites or so).
Thanks for any feedback, Clemens Timmermans