Friday 26 January 2007 8:25:07 am
This is the place to discuss about this new datatype : The RSS imports definition are handled outside of the standard content system (nodes, objects...). This datatype allows you to manage your rss feeds imports directly from within a regular content object. It's just a more user friendly interface, all the work is still done by the standard RSS import interface We needed to manage a news section, with lots of different news sources, each of them with a rss feed automatically adding news items (and stored as children of that source).
Doing that with the current interface is a real pain :
1) create the node of class link (source) under the right category in the news section,
2) go to rss menu,
3) create a new rss import with the same name than the link you just created
4) change the type of the content class for the news item class (no way I want to create folders, as offered by default)
5) set the right attributes for that class,
6) browse the destination node to pick up the link you just created
7) find again the url of the rss you had on your clipboard at 1), but since you had too many manipulations in the meantime, you lost it 8) Save the rss import
With the new rssfeed datatype added on the link class as a new attribute, you just put the rss address at the same time than you create the link object and that's it. It creates the import in the background (points 2 to 8).