Monday 27 November 2006 4:42:41 am
Hi Lukasz I can't get your extension to work on EZ 3.8.3. If I print the node assignment (directly after the line where it is stored) I get this:
eznodeassignment Object
[PersistentDataDirty] =>
[ID] => 456
[RemoteID] => 0
[ParentRemoteID] =>
[ContentobjectID] => 245
[ContentObjectVersion] => 23
[ParentNode] => 83
[SortField] => 2
[SortOrder] => 0
[Main] => 0
[FromNodeID] => 0
[TempNode] =>
[Name] =>
[OpCode] => 3
Unfortunately the content object does not appear under the additional node assignment and I have no idea what to do. The trigger is set to content before publish. The designated parentnode for the new assignment is a container. I don't get any debug or error messages. I have emptied the cache before and after editing an object to make sure it is not a caching problem. I have also tried to trigger this event on after publish and then publish the object again within this event but the result is the same. Could you give me any hints on how to troubleshoot this?
Solved, the problem was a) that I need to use $parameters['version'] instead of $object->attribute( 'current_version' ) as the current version is the published version instead of the version that is in the process of being published and b) I had to update the function publishNode in \kernel\content\ezcontentoperationcollection.php to the 3.8.4 version.
Not sure why, but it works fine now. /EDIT Thanks Claudia