Fabien Mas
Monday 23 April 2007 6:53:36 am
I've created my own datatype which is information collector for a poll
when I answer to my poll, a new ezinfocollection is created in the database, all right so
but there is nothing new in the ezinfocollection_attribute table so nothing is saved
what did I wrong to not save my datas ? here is my template :
{foreach $attribute.content as $question}
{if ne($question.img,"")}
{def $imgObject=fetch( 'content', 'object', hash( 'object_id', $question.img ) )}
{attribute_view_gui image_class=small attribute=$imgObject.data_map.image}
{undef $imgObject}
<strong>{$question.text}</strong> :<br />
{foreach $question.reponses as $reponse}
<div><input type="radio" name="ContentObjectAttribute_data_option_value_{$attribute.id}" value="{$question.id}_{$reponse.id}" />
{if ne($reponse.img,"")}
{def $imgObject=fetch( 'content', 'object', hash( 'object_id', $reponse.img ) )}
{attribute_view_gui image_class=small attribute=$imgObject.data_map.image}
{undef $imgObject}
{/if}</div><br />
<hr />
thx, fabien