Friday 29 August 2008 2:55:08 pm
Hi After two espressoos I could suddenly read it. For a short moment. Let me see if I can repeat that :-)
Filters[]=squarefix=-resize x%1 -resize '%1x<' -resize 50% -gravity center -crop %2x%3+0+0 +repage
-resize x%1 resizes to height 96. the width is chosen to maintain the aspect ratio -resize '%1x<' sizes UP until the width minimally 96, if required. this will happen if you have a vertical (portrait) image. -resize 50% scales it down to, not accidently, 48>x48> -gravity center -crop %2x%3+0+0 +repage then crops to 48x48 centered. not sure why the gravity is before the crop. I guess that would always work, the only problem is it sizes up for vertical images, eg 133% for a 3x4 image. I'm not sure if IM makes that blurry.
$2c, *-pike .
The class eZContentObjectTreeNode does.