Monday 20 September 2004 6:38:05 am
I could just do that (overlay the API in ezdebug.php, to write custom markup) :D In that case, I will send the documentation and APIs.. Thanks for the reply, I already changed the ezdebug.php. Right now, all I did, was to add id=\"ezDebug\" to the root debug TABLE element. I ll take it from there. There are several reasons to style the debug. 1. Different markup validates differently for different DOCTYPE declarations, hence a hardcoded TABLE may fail to validate, especially in XHTML documents with different default namespace (not 1999 XHTML) 2. Different authors see TABLEs differently and are not willing to use it for debugging output. I myself use a more elegant CSS driven design for debugging. 3. Debug styling is not important, but in my case where a lot of absolute positioned elements are used for my layout, ez debug actually pops up right beneath them, making it difficuly to debug my own layout (visually). So, I tried to move the ezDebug to the right top corner of the page, and unless I use a selector, CSS cant find it, so id=ezDebug helped.