Friday 12 March 2004 8:34:19 am
Thank you Eirik. Now I have the following code: include_once( "lib/ezdb/classes/ezdb.php" );
$db =& eZDB::instance();
// start a new transaction
// send the SQL SELECT command to the database
$myquery="SELECT * from course_licenses WHERE userid='$userid'";
$Result['content'] =& $db->arrayQuery($myquery);
// commit the transaction
The result is now stored in $Result['content']. In my browser I now have a text that says Array where I expected the results. It's progress, but I guess I need a template to display the content of this array correctly. The only problem is that I'm not sure how I would do that? I see two possible solutions:
1) Create a node_view.full override and match it against my module and/or view. 2) Create templates for my module in the extension/mymodule/design/standard/templates/mymodule folder. Anyone else got other solutions?
best regards trondåge