Wednesday 07 December 2005 8:35:48 am
Ok, you need to dive into the kernel to get the answer, here are some pointers:
include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezcontentupload.php' );
if ( $http->hasPostVariable( 'UploadLocationChoice' ) )
$node_to_upload_to = $http->postVariable('UploadLocationChoice');
} else {
$node_to_upload_to = 207;
$upload = new eZContentUpload( array() );
$upload->handleUpload( $result, 'UploadFile', $node_to_upload_to, false );
this is code I copied from some old module of mine.. hopefully you can get some info on it. For more detail, checkout the eZContentUpload::handleUpload function( ..'kernel/classes/ezcontentupload.php' is where you can find it).
Greets, Clemens