johann savalle
Sunday 03 July 2005 9:26:00 pm
I am trying to filter an enum field but it doesn't seem to work...
I did the same before but with an integer field, and it was working fine... here is the code : {let children=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $node.node_id,
sort_by, $node.sort_array,
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, array('71', '1'),
attribute_filter, array(array('573', '=','1')),
limit, $number_of_items,
offset, $view_parameters.offset ) )}
<b>attribute_filter, array(array('573', '=','1'))</b> is the line which I am concerned about.. I don't get why it's not working.. any help ? johann
Daniel Beyer
Monday 04 July 2005 8:14:09 am
Hi Johann,
this probably isn't helpful, but I suggest you do not use ezenum at all. It is officially deprecated since eZ publish 3.3. ezselection is replacing ezenum, so give that datatype a try. The only fact ezenum is still in the core of eZ publish is because of backward compatibility.
Daniel Beyer
Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
johann savalle
Monday 04 July 2005 9:17:19 am
mmm, I tried, and indeed... it doesn't do much ;) but it 's still good to know... so the topic is still open... if anyone had an idea how to do it, it would save time :) meanwhile, I'll try to crack it myself and update this issue if I find what's wrong...
johann savalle
Monday 04 July 2005 9:34:33 am
forget what I said above, it actually solved the problem
attribute_filter, array(array('575', '=',0)) is working. I just got confused at the begining because I tried with the string description of the selection, but if we use id instead everything goes fine.