Thursday 06 July 2006 2:21:35 am
I know this is an old post but I just want to thank Geraint for this extension, as a natural HTML coder this was exactly what I was looking for. I tried the online editor but it was way to complicated, even with the ability to create custom tags doing simple things like creating a definition list was a pain in the proverbial. I'm personally of the opinion that X/HTML tags within the content is not a problem if you use the right tags for the job, so despite other threads that warn against doing so I will be writing X/HTML to content wherever I can, after all XHTML doesn't represent presentation, only structure. If you look at the goals of the w3c and the implementation of XHTML there is really no reason why it should cause problems in the future. After all a <p> defines a paragraph, and a paragraph is a paragraph no matter which way you bend it so if the <p> tag is hard coded I should never need to return to change it unless "its" content no longer needs to be a paragraph. Sorry I'm sliding off way topic here... Cheers heaps Geraint, this is the most useful extension I've seen for eZ yet.
Pardon me while I burst into flames...